

Bridge to a multi-Dimensional Experience

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5D Soul Mission & Abundance Activation

This powerful FREE transmission has 3 Quantum Activations to awaken your Inner Visionary, activate your Soul Purpose and your capacity to receive Abundance to support your  Divine Soul Mission.

Access this transmission and many more on our FREE Resources page.

Request a 30 minute call with Livia or one of her team members. Limited space available. All times are USA, Eastern Standard Time.




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Unplug from the 3D matrix and activate your DNA so you can align with the 5D New Earth Template and access more of your soul mission and purpose during this mass 5D Ascension.

5D Soul Mission & Abundance Activation

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Written Testimonials

“Working with Livia has been life changing for me, literally. Livia doesn’t hold back when she works and she delivers the truth with so much integrity. We worked privately together for about 6 months and my life has never been the same.

I chose to work with Livia because she cares so much and she comes from the heart. When you’re in her field, you have no choice but to be honest with yourself and up-level your life. The best part is – Livia walks her talk. She does the work that she facilitates others to do. And she is the embodiment of a heart-centred teacher / leader that one could ever find. 

I highly recommend anyone who feels called to work with Livia. I’m so honoured to walk this path with you, to call you my mentor, friend and sister. “

Arabelle Yee

“Wow. Words cannot describe fully what I experienced with Livia’s channeling but I can with full certainty say that it was absolutely amazing. Experiencing connecting with the Arcturian council through Livia was life changing for me. 

The messages that was delivered and the healing that took place created huge shifts in my mental, emotional and physical body and I could not be more grateful! Livia is such a wonderful and heart centred soul, which is also why I wanted to have the session with her. She creates a safe and comfortable space for the channeling to take place and explains very well her practice. 

I would HIGHLY recommend to have a session with Livia if you have deep questions to life and have a calling to connect with intergalactic families. Livia, I love you and I’m so grateful that you share your amazing gift with the world! The ripple effects of your work are remarkable and serves the collective in amazing ways!”

Vanessa Roster

I have been in the personal development space for quite some time and I have seen and experienced many things…

This session Livia channels with the Arcturian’s is by far the coolest most profound, transformative and healing experience I have had yet!

I did this with my partner and the Arcturian’s gave us so many answers, activations and healings around things we had been really struggling to ground into this physical reality. Such a gift and such a heart opening experience. I highly recommend this!!!!

Kelly Bowen

Livia’s private channelling sessions are remarkable.

The clarity of her channel and the wisdom she accesses through the Arcturian Council is profound. I’ve experienced a lot of metaphysical healing work over the years and I rate this up they’re as one of the most dynamic upgrades yet. With her generosity of spirit and humble nature she’s a joy to engage with.

Livia you’re now my go-to for evolution healing work.

Thank you so much.

Heath Myers

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