Evolving Consciousness is an accelerated evolutionary program for the ones looking to activate and anchor a Soul Mission Service on Earth.

When your Soul is calling you to a higher purpose than your 3D job, then you can take this as a sign and confirmation that you have been placed on the highest timeline of existence for Divine Service.

You’ll feel that there is a deep knowing and trust in the path you are being called to as the RIGHT ONE, but you don’t know where to start or how to quantum shift into this new reality.

Evolving Consciousness is a bridge between your reality now and the reality your Soul is calling you towards. 

It is an invitation to experience a major transition and transformation that will change your life and stabilize your consciousness into a new dimension of existence.

It is a journey of Sovereignty, Freedom, Abundance, Divine Soul Mission, and Service on Earth.

It is a path you walk and co-create with your Higher Self, my self, the Arcturian Council of Light, and the Sirius Council of Light as you become the Highest Version of your Embodiment.

This video is an introduction to Evolving Consciousness- A Journey for 5D Visionaries. This channeled transmission is for the ones READY to embody their Higher Consciousness, explore the Multidimensionality of their Soul Purpose, and fully activate their unique Abundance Codexes of Light.

After watching the introduction video, if you feel deeply called to continue this powerful evolution journey, please book an enrolment consultation now:

I invite you to take a moment beautiful soul...

Breath. Deep breath in… Hold… Deep breath out… 

I have been guided to share some powerful 7D Arcturian Council of The Light codes with you. Please press play on this short video below to activate your higher timelines and frequencies and receive these New Earth codes. The 5D Newt Earth is ready to receive you…

What you Shall Receive from Evolving Consciousness, a Journey for 5D Visionaries 

Evolving Consciousness is based on the 4 pillars of light, 3 bridges, and 12 gates of ascension. A 7D technology from the Arcturian Council of Light, helping us activate our inner temple of light and 5D soul mission on Earth.

You will experience:

  • Quantum Healing and Deprogramming of the 3D templates while activating the 4D/5D templates within all layers of your being (physical, mental, emotional, electro-magnetic, and light bodies).

  • Activating your Soul Blueprint, Soul Signature, and Soul Mission Purpose on Earth & connecting to your unique gifts, talents, and abilities.

  • Activating your 4D/5D abilities to access the Quantum Field and learn how to navigate parallel/alternate timelines of existence.

  • Learning how to connect to your Consciousness in its Multidimensional expression and navigate the quantum field so you can become deliberate in creating and choosing your own reality.
  • Learning how to co-create with the Laws of the Universe and simplifying everything through the Heart Consciousness.

  • Learning how to create the foundation of a 5D business by being in your service and sharing your unique gifts.

  • Activating your channeling abilities to connect to your Higher Self,  Soul, and Star families and re-establish your Galactic Connections.

  • Receiving advanced 7D technology and Quantum tools that will reprogram your DNA, subconscious mind, and all layers and dimensions of your being to better navigate your reality.

  • Downloading your own unique toolkit that will help you always access higher timelines of your Soul journey with clarity, direction and focus.

PLUS so much more…

Evolving Consciousness is a journey that will guide you through disconnecting from the 3D matrix and densities while teaching you how to shift and integrate into living freely, abundantly, and fully supported in the 5D New Earth. 

Your life will never be the same again!

What You Will Receive With Evolving Consciousness

  • 6 x Online Group Channeling Activations
  • 6 x Online Quantum Group Coaching Calls 
  • 3-Day  Live Online Event
  • 50+ Hours of activated and coded content and activations (valued at over $40,000 USD)
  • Quantum Upgrades done behind the scenes for 9 months
  • Coded Members Website with access for life
  • Recordings of all coded transmissions to keep for life 
  • Private Quantum Group Support


At the end of the 6 months accelerated journey you will be placed in a 7D integration pod of light for 3 months. 

During this time you will be receiving energetic upgrades that will support the embodiment of all light codexes technologies and frequencies you received in the 6 month container.

Also, you will be receiving 3 x monthly pre-recorded conscious channeling transmission with Livia & the Arcturian Council of Light and continued support in the private group (for the duration of the integration pod).

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