Livia Devi presents

Lesson 2:

Gaia, Terra, Tara and Multidimensional Earth

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Video Length: 18:41


the basic Elements.


In this video you will learn about Multidimensional Earth and the difference between Gaia,Terra, Tara and the importance of understanding Earth planet dimensional existence.

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Video Length: 17:19


Connecting with Gaia's Multidimensionality


In this video you will learn about Earth in 3D, 4D and 5D and how to connect to the cosmic womb of creation and Source energy.

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Video Length: 24:56


Connecting with Gaia's Multidimensionality


In this video you will receive an Activation from Livia Devi and the 7D Arcturian Council of Light, connecting you to Multidimensional Gaia and aligning you to the highest path of your existence.

Written Guidance:

Integration & Embodiment



Go outside and step barefoot on the ground and invite Gaia and the 5D grids to connect to you through the sole of you feet.

Let the 5D crystalline frequency enter your body and go up the spine activating your Kundalini Energy while you release and liberate this energy thorough your Crown Chakra.



Listen to the Activation at least 3 times and give yourself 7 days of integration.



When you step your foot onto the ground you are transmitting an info/data/code/electro-magnetic impulse that is connecting to the 5D Earth. 

Allow yourself to connect and always anchor in the 5D grids and New Earth timelines which will allow you an effortlessly co-creation of your reality.

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