Livia Devi presents

Lesson :3

Introduction to 5D New Earth Frequency

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Video Length: 25:29

What is 5D New Earth?


In this video you will learn what is the 5D New Earth and how to connect to it using the tools Livia Devi will give you.

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Video Length: 29:37


Heart 5D Stargate


In this video you will learn about the uniqueness of the 5D New Earth Frequency and how you are co-creating with it in the quantum field, learning how collective realities interact with individual timelines.

Written Guidance:

Integration & Embodiment



Go into a meditation space and connect to the 3D Earth and its consciousness and create a link between this version of Self and your future version of Self, and future timeline.

Ask your Star family to quantum shift you and merge you with this new/future version of Self, allowing yourself to download its code.

This is a very quick and simple exercise of quantum shifting realities.



Listen to the Heart 5D Stargate Activation 3 times and give yourself 7 days of integration.



Write down into your notebook the changes you are experiencing in your inner and outer worlds.

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