Aligned with the highest abundant timeline

2023 is the year of embodying the Ascended Master within.Its the year of Graduation, Maturity and Wisdom when we are not playing anymore in the subconscious realms of conditioning and limitations.Its the year of Empowerment, Embodiment and Excellence of fully accessing the 5D way of being & living.Its the year when Souls decide what dimensional existence they are choosing, as we are not sharing the same collective frameworks of reality anymore.Yesterday, I took executive decisions in my business that not only upgraded the grid of my Divine Soul Mission but aligned me with the Highest Abundant Timeline.Working with the most Devoted, Commited, Mission Driven, Abundant, Conscious New Earth Leaders here to share their wisdom, teachings and create a legacy on Earth..rises my Soul to the next level of service.This year I am offering to my global tribe, only two 6 month Programs perfectly aligned with the energies of 2023:1). Wealth Consciousness – A 5D Business Program for New Earth Entrepreneurs starting on March 1st 2023.2). Quantum Leadership- A New Earth Paradigm for the Missioned Souls starting on August 8th 2023.If you are deeply called and ready to receive the frequencies and teachings from these two advanced containers, submit your application at Blessings,Livia Devi  Daniel Sun

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