Are You Ready To Take A Ride With Me And The Arcturian Council Of Light?

We have 3 seats left, for a magical 12 months journey of activating your leadership, the abundance of freedom, and prosperity and expanding your missions globally in the Quantum Leadership Program.This is a premium, semi-private Mastermind for the ones ready to step into their leadership role, co-create New Earth projects, embody 5D consciousness, and be part of a Council of 11???? driven missions souls.This advanced 5D leadership program has a very rich curriculum, as we are meeting weekly for deep, transformative activations, trance-channeling sessions with the Arcturian Council of Light, quantum group coachings, and council meetings focused on Quantum Technology and New Earth Projects.The innovative, quantum, now-futuristic and collaborative environment of this program is deepening the synergy of our New Earth Leaders, coming together for a 3-day live event in Hawaii at the end of 2022.If you are ready to receive and embody advanced Leadership and Abundance codexes from 7D-12D and anchor them straight away in 3D-4D actively contributing to the massive shift of collective realities while accessing the highest timelines of your mission…I invite you to:1. Connect to the frequency of this program and ask your Higher Self if you are soul ready for it.2. If yes, submit your application at the link below and book a date and time for your interview: Your interview will be direct with me and not my assistants because I personally want to make sure this program is serving the evolution of your consciousness and that you are ready for an accelerated shift.So much looking forward to meeting the last 3 beautiful Souls who will join us in this incredible Quantum Leadership experience!

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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