Born To Roar: Speak Your Wildest Dreams Into Abundance

Our voice is an instrument that interacts through sound frequency with the interface of reality, generating instant feedback from the Universe.The sound wave is engaging the law of attraction in a loop of output/input, bringing into form your dreams and desires.When we are voicing our desires by speaking them out loud, singing, or exploring the full sound frequency spectrum beyond its acoustic function, we are bringing them into form.5 days ago, I delivered a 3 Hours Channeled Transmission and 3 powerful Activations with the Higher Council of Light that prepared us with the most advanced codexes of light for the Lion’s Gate Portal.And in Hawaii, last June 8th, 2022, 3 days after the event, I said that the number 3 is the half of an 8; and in the mathematical sequence of divine alignment, I was guided that day to share with the ones that didn’t register for the event this transmission that will quantum shift your perception of reality.Also, the Abundance Activation with 12D Central Sun Council of Light contains a Throat Chakra activation that will help you speak your dreams into abundance.To get the replay’s link, I am also sharing it here:

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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