Livia Devi presents

Lesson 6:

Physical Body Ascension

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Video Length: 18:39

Why Is Embodiment important?


In this video you will learn how the physical body is embodying consciousness and the process a human being is going through with the stages of awakening and ascension.

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Video Length: 18:46

Access higher consciousness through the Physical body


In this video, you will learn how to collapse duality and separation consciousness in the physical body and unify within the zero point field and oneness consciousness.

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Video Length: 29:19

Activating 4D Consciousness in the Physical Body Part 1


In this video Livia Devi and the 7D Arcturian Council of Light will bring you back to your original physical body blueprint using 7D quantum technology

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Video Length: 27:03

Activating 4D Consciousness in the Physical Body Part 2


In this video Livia Devi and the 7D Arcturian Council of Light is connecting you to the 4D bridge helping you embody this dimension of consciousness into your physical body.

Written Guidance:

Integration & Embodiment



Listen to the transmissions at least 3 times.



Activate daily your Column of Ascension.



Grounding and water bath with Empson salt to allow the full integration.

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