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Video Length: 19:45
Heart Consciousness and Holographic Realities
In this video you will learn about the electro-magnetic field of your heart consciousness and how it is connected to your nervous system , interfacing and interacting to the holographic field of reality.
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Video Length: 19:32
Accelerated Ascension from 3D to 5D
In this video you will learn how to accelerate your ascension from 3D to 5D and access the zero point field and quantum realms to shortcut your evolution.
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Video Length: 19:27
Heart Consciousness Activation
In this video Livia Devi and the 7D Arcturian Council of Light will activate your Heart Consciousness in 3D, 5D and 7D using an advanced Quantum Technology.
Written Guidance:
Integration & Embodiment
Go outside and step barefoot on the ground and invite Gaia and the 5D grids to connect to you through the sole of your feet.
Listen to the Activation at least 3 times and give yourself 7 days of integration.
Write down into your notebook the changes you are experiencing in your inner and outer worlds.