There Is No Turning Back

Once you step on Evolving Consciousness grid, your ascension and evolution rose to new dimensional levels, not yet known to humanity.The inter-dimensional grid of this program is very advanced and your acceleration can’t be stopped or phased.As you are shedding old identities, beliefs, and peeling layers of conditioning, your consciousness is moving faster through time & space and parallel timelines.The days feel like weeks, weeks like years, and years like decades as we are operating in quantum realities, circular time, and merging with space.If you try to go back, you will not find anything behind as old timelines collapsed and realities re-arranged in ways that don’t make sense anymore for the logical mind.The way is only forward and surrendering to a deep process of transformation where your Heart Consciousness is awakened to its multidimensional expression.If for a normal awakened being connected to the collective consciousness grid it takes years and decades to embody 4D-5D consciousness, for the 5D Visionaries in Evolving Consciousness it takes months as we operate outside linearity.Everything is deprogrammed and re-wired to match the original Soul Blueprint, Soul Signature, and Body Temple.Evolving Consciousness is for the Ones, that is embodying a high level of awareness of their physical, emotional, and mental bodies and are ready to continue their journeys of exploring the deeper layers, levels, and dimensions of their non-physical being.For the Ones, that went through years and decades of inner healing, met themselves at the deeper levels and are ready to leap, quantum shift as no attachments are holding them back.For the Ones, devoted to their evolution, ascension, expansion, embodying wisdom and innocence, courage and excitement, playfulness and maturity, self-responsibility and kindness.The Ones, excited to co-create with other 5D Visionaries and join a family of light, you will be deeply loved, cared and supported through the ebbs and flows of your transformation.If you feel deeply called by the frequency of this program and you are READY for the journey, submit your application at the link below:

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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