What if we start the new year in presence not power?

What if instead of goals, we raise our standards.Instead of resolutions, we set up intentions.Instead of starting the year with a bang, we start with a conscious breath.Forget about vision boards, plans & processes of pushing yourself to exhaustion desperately trying to keep up with your mind linked to collective belief trends.Let others race their linear year timeline while you co-create & shift in quantum time- space realities, taking actions in alignment only.Listen to your body, heart, intuition, inner guidance.Stay present.Breath consciously.Co-create.Act only when the energy is ready to turn into matter.Allow your wildest dreams become reality effortessly.Live every moment, minute, day, week, month, year.And watch how in one linear year you are accomplishing more then others in 10 years or even a lifetime.Receive effortessly,Livia Devi @daniel.sun___

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