2023 VIP private mentoring

This year in October, I was guided to re-activate the Private Mentoring VIP Container that is ready for 1(one) person wanting to work with me privately in 2023.If you are ready to embark on a 9 MONTH journey of deep transformation and evolution of your consciousness, growth and expansion in all areas of your life, including business than this is for you.The container is calling in a New Earth Entrepreneur, committed to his/her evolution & ascension, ready for inter-dimensional travel with the arcturian Council of Light and a fast acceleration through time/space continuums for a rapid & full embodiment of 5D Consciousness.This container is for a Courageous Soul excited to experience the next level of existence and consciously choosing parallel/ alternate realities by accessing & embodying his/her multidimensional expression.For a Mission Driven Soul ready to take his/her entrepreneurial journey to the next level of impact, financial freedom and expansion in full service to humanity and contributing to New Earth timelines.If this is You and ready to make a six figure investment in your personal, business and leadership development, then I am looking forward to our conversation.You can book your call at the link below:https://liviadevi.com/contact/Many Blessings,Livia Devi 

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