Is Your Cup Overflowing?

Are you ready to generously fill in your mind soul, heart, and body temple with the Abundance Frequency?

In 11.11 Portal I opened a Multidimensional Grid for WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS, a powerful 4 WEEK training where I will share my journey rising into the Higher Realms of Abundance by building a multiple 6 figure Mission Business in less than a year and the 5D Abundance Codex that stays at the foundation of it.

Join me every week for a LIVE Workshop of 90 minutes or more of Advanced Teachings and Activations, Practical Tools, and Homework to fully embody your Inner 5D Abundance Codex


Deconstruct & Deprogram Slave Codes, 3D Beliefs and Conditioning Layers, Subconsciousness Blockages, and Limitations impeding you to access your unique 5D Abundance Codex.

Learn how to Co-create with the Laws of the Universe and how to Activate Wealth Consciousness to receive your desired abundant manifestations

What is 5D Money Frequency and how to bring it into your reality?

Entrepreneurship in the 5th Dimension, A New Paradigm for the Missioned Souls

And so much more…

We START on 12.12.2022 Portal.

Receive effortlessly,

Livia Devi

For more awesome content, come join me on:Facebook  |  Instagram  | Pinterest  |  Telegram  | Website  | TikTok

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