Abundance Flow

There is more money in the world more than you can ever imagine.

There are rivers of abundance, strongly flowing but people are not seeing them because are programmed to see lack, scarcity and be in survival mode.

If you shift your frequency an octave higher you will start tapping into the flow and if you are able to sustain yourself there, then your life will start becoming incrementally better & more prosperous day by day.

The flow is available to everyone, like a waterfall will always be there for whoever wants to hike to her and bathe in her waters.

Some people will never hike, or leave their comfort zones while others more adventurous will jump into her abundant waters every day.

The difference is made by where your Wealth Consciousness is.

If you want to learn more, I am guiding a beautiful group of Souls in connecting to their Abundance Flow and activating their 5D Abundance Codex in a 4 Week Training starting on December 12th 2022 Portal.

Wealth Consciousness is training for New Earth Entrepreneurs and Missioned Souls here to:

Deconstruct & Deprogramm Slave Codes, 3D Beliefs, and Conditioning Layers, Subconsciouness Blockages and Limitations impeding you to access your unique 5D Abundance Codex.

Understand the Laws of the Universe and how to Activate Wealth Consciousness to receive your desired abundant manifestations

What is 5D Money Frequency and how to co-create with it?

Entrepreneurship in the 5th Dimension, A New Paradigm for the Missioned Souls

And so much more…

Event Details:

When: Starts on December 12th 2022 at 6pm Hawaii

How: 4 weeks training, one 90 min LIVE Workshop a week on the following dates Dec 12th, Dec19th, Dec 26th, Jan 2nd

Where: Online from the comfort of your home

What: Channeled teachings, practical exercises, homework, workbook, 7D Chamber of Light, energetic upgrades.

You will be joining me and other participants in a Private Facebook Group, where you will be closely guided and supported for a full and complete journey of embodiment and integration.

Receive effortlessly, 

Receive effortlessly,

Livia Devi

For more awesome content, come join me on:Facebook  |  Instagram  | Pinterest  |  Telegram  | Website  | TikTok

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