Merging 3D-4D-5D Consciousness

We have different Soul Missions at different stages of our evolution.In 3D our Soul Mission is EMBODIMENT of all layers, levels, dimensions, and aspects of Self we left behind in this lifetime and previous incarnations.We are calling back our Soul memory and the remembrance we are more than physical expressions of Source energy and our existence is not linear.We are journeying through the Dark Night of the Soul, illuminating the depths of our subconscious mind and elevating in our conscious awareness, everything that was not loved and fully embraced.In 4D our Soul is taking us through a mission of EXPLORATION of our non-physical being, light bodies, and greater energy field.On this bridge of consciousness, we are accessing our multidimensionality and the connection with our Higher Self, understanding quantum equations and potentialities of our Soul evolution and expansion.In 5D our Soul Mission is allowing the descendants of our Higher Self in our bodies and activating our Multidimensional Soul Purpose.If you want to learn more, I invite you to submit your application to Evolving Consciousness- A Journey for 5D Visionaries, an accelerated ascension program for the Ones ready to transform their lives.You can submit your application and book your call at the link below:

Receive Effortlessly,

Livia Devi

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