Source Seed Testimonial

I am honoured to witness, incredible transformations in the programs I am running and today I have a beautiful share from Source Seed:

“Working with plant medicines like Ayahuasca and Iboga over the years have given me so much needed new reference point of how it feels in my body to love and to feel loved. I also experienced in my body what is possible for me in terms of healing, creative and psychic abilities as part of my evolution. However, despite 50+ ceremonies, I have not been able to bridge the gap between what is possible and what had been my 3D reality.

My background has been MSc in business with many years of experience in complex projects in corporate world, and yet, I found myself re-living trauma through abusive karmic relationship. The soul contract is to become allies this life time, sealed by our child.

Despite all the shamanic plant medicine work, my 3D reality became an absolute nightmare, with flashbacks of the conflict from past lives, coming to life this life time. This was the dark knight of the soul, that Livia talks about in her transmissions.

I started working with Livia’s transmissions occasionally, and was not really aware of any shifts. However, in October 2021, I did the Living Light Technology transmission and activation. Ever day, for the whole week I did the same activation 1-2 times a day, and this is when the massive shift took place. I became very ill for over a week, and I knew that I was clearing on the physical level as a result of the Living Light Technology activation. This was the only work I did at the time, and the insights I was having were different. That was completely new way of shifting my consciousness. I observed that the triggering and trauma response when interacting with my ex started decreasing and my concentration started improving. I was able to function in my 3D reality, at last!

The next big shift occurred in January 2022, after doing Leading From The Future transmission and activation, which was the pivoting point for me. I started operating from the place of ‘What is the right thing to do?’. I started listening to my innate wisdom more, to the messages from my body, prioritising self-care and my needs above anything else, daily. The lioness started waking up, getting ready for a fight to bring her cub back home. Despite the pain and deep hurt of this life time 3D experience, I am able to think both strategically and operationally, seeing bigger picture, as well as the practical details, whilst clearly hearing whispers of my intuition, whilst understanding why this particular message is coming through, if not straight away, then few moment after. After doing this transmission and activation multiple times over a week, recruiter reached out to me and I got my current part-time job straight away, which is allowing me to be a part of the Source Seed container.

Ever since I joined the Source Seed container, and did both transmissions and activations repeatedly, as part of this programme, I got a strong sense that I am not alone anymore, and this started manifesting in my 3D reality as overwhelming support and kindness coming my way from all sorts of directions/people/events.

First month of this programme I have been extremely tired in my body, which I begin to understand why – I have been doing activations of deep deprogramming daily, and there is only so much human psyche and human body can take in one sitting, at this level of high frequency that is channelled by Livia. I have experienced a lot in my life, but nothing like this. I feel truly blessed that our paths crossed and very grateful to Livia for sharing such a beautiful gift at such an accessible price point.

I would like to repeat this: the key for me in shifting my 3D reality has been doing the same transmission and activation over and over again, going a bit deeper each time, to the point of being able to stay awake for the whole activation, and appreciate the beauty of the the visualisation and sensations in my body.

Thank you ever so much for this beautiful experience. It is tough on my body but 3D is slowly shifting, and this is the most important”.


If you want to take a transformational journey with me, the Arcturian Council of Light and amazing souls already in Source Seed program, submit your application at the link below:

Your application will be followed by an interview to make sure its a good fit for you.

Looking forward to co-creating soon!

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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