2 Days Left To Our Free Online Event ????

I used to believe I need other people’s abundance codes, that mine was not enough..until one day when I realized everything I built, created, and manifested was because of my own unique abundance blueprint.When that realization happened, I asked the Arcturian Council of Light to unplug me from other people’s grids, and networks and release me from all forms of energetic co-dependency that kept me disempowered.After a massive clearing and releasing that lasted three months, I accessed a new level of prosperity unavailable to me before.From that moment onwards, the flow of wealth, co-creations, opportunities, offers, and alignments didn’t stop coming and blessing my life.I am sharing this with you because many of you are ready to reclaim and activate your UNIQUE ABUNDANCE CODEX.And if you are, I invite you to:5D Soul Mission and Abundance Activation- A Multidimensional Activation for New Earth VisionariesThis global FREE event is a special gift from me and the Arcturian Council of Light, as the energies of 2022 are calling in more visionaries to step into their planetary missions and New Earth co-creation.Here is the link to register and reserve your spot. You can access it in the linktree BIO as wellhttps://info465a91.clickfunnels.com/5d-soul…If you can’t attend the live event, register anyway and I’ll make sure to send you the recording.Looking forward to this magical co-creation!

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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