166 Years Ago

Do you feel the energies today? ????We are in the eye of a massive cosmic portal, as Jupiter conjuncts Neptun at 23 degrees in Pieces, today, the 12th of April 2022.This rare planetary alignment, that only happened 166 years ago is opening our hearts to receive the highest frequency of Love.The week started with a solar storm and a filament eruption that sent a huge ball of plasma light to Earth and will reach its peak on the 14th of April 2022.This big ascension wave is perfectly aligned with the Easter weekend and the Full Moon on the 16th of April, activating everyone to receive and embody Christ Consciousness and 4D avatar body.Many people will awaken this week and shift from 3D realities to the 4D bridge of consciousness.All these energies are working on our heart chakra and higher heart, clearing, releasing, transmuting pain, hurt, resentment, conscious and subconscious wounding, and everything that is ready to be released through the emotional and physical body.If you are experiencing physical body pain, emotional turmoil, mental upheaval, energetic changes, and upgrades of your light bodies, surrender and don’t try to control or change your state of being this week.Everything is 1000x amplified and while you are staying in your heart, let these ascension energies work with you, through you, and for you.Keep your focus on your vibrational output, by maintaining a high frequency of your light bodies.You can do this by activating daily your Column of Ascension( link below) and calling in your Higher Self to guide your individual processes.The subconscious mind is going through a reset as well, so if you experiencing confusion and disorientation, ask for support from friends, family, co-workers, tribe, and community as the perceptional database is upgrading.If you are not experiencing any purge or release, amplify the energies flowing through your heart portal and use this cosmic gateway to a quantum jump to higher timelines of existence.You can use this ascension wave as a fuel for a big jump even from the 4th to 5th dimensional plane of existence with a full stabilization of the timelines, in other words ( no turning back to old realities).Every day of this week is a beautiful opportunity to completely change our lives or change the course of it, choose 5D consciousness, co-create with Source energy, choose to always keep our hearts open, and let your Higher Self merge with your body temple.Every day we are closing the gap between timelines and dimensions, bridging existence into unity consciousness and oneness, as separation is becoming an illusionary reality millions of people start to perceive it through all physical senses.Here is the link to the Column of Ascension, free activation on my website for you all.https://liviadevi.com/free-resources/

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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