I remember first time I visited Hawaii in 2019, how I felt electricity rushing through my body deeply knowing these islands are my home.In 2021 I moved permanently to Hawaii, a dream come true and a mission home base established.I am deeply connected to the Spirit of each island, as I lived on all of them, understanding the energetic ecosystem, how mana flows, deeply respecting the ancient sites.I went through initiations and trials, being tested on how heart-centered and devoted I am by the Hawaiian ancestors guardians.Here I start channeling the Lemurian Council of Light, always giving me gridwork tasks and little missions to restore an activate the New Earth blueprint.Today, I fly to grandma Kauai as she is calling me back after just returning.Lemuria is here.There is so much data stored in the ocean, earth, air, volcanic grids about Mu and the Ancient Lemuria Civilization.If you want to learn more about Lemuria, please join Livia Devi Global Community at thelinkhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/liviadeviglobalcommunity/?ref=share_group_linkas we will share more teachings in the group from the Lemurian Council of Light.Many Blessings,Livia Devi