Is your soul calling you to divine service?

In the past week, I connected to so many Souls around the world that booked calls with me for Soul Mission Accelerator Program.People that are following my work for 3- 4 years, receiving all my free transmissions and activations, gearing up to the next step of activating their Divine Service on Earth.Opening the zoom video line, to meet on the other side tears of joy, vulnerability, kindness, heart explosion, courage, strenght, dedication and divine love.I never experienced such an immense amount of Love and Gratitude as this week.I felt in each fiber of my being, the impact of my work on others and how it shapped & changed lives, receiving the blessings of Divine Service.Serving with your Soul creates an endless & infinit multidimensional impact changing the fabric of individual and collective realities, can’t be measured and quantified by the mind.Its expansion is rippleing effect beyond time-space continuums, into the vast ocean of source consciousness.Its the most Divine way of embodying love and inspiring others to be the same.I am looking forward to connecting to more of you and growing Livia Devi Global Community, as the brightest Temple of Light on Earth.If you want to take Soul Mission Accelerator Journey, book a call at the link below:…ANDJoin our CommUnity at the link below: Blessings,Livia Devi 

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