From Sole Leadership To Quantum Leadership

The old paradigm of being the “chosen one” or the “only one” to lead masses is crumbling because of its autocratic unfolding.People are taking their power back from all forms of authority that they initially empowered through consent, acceptance, submission and admission.We, understand through thousands of years of lived and observed history, that humanity always chose to evolve through conflict, war, suffering and pain to find again compassion, love, freedom, independence and sovereignty.But this is not the only option, the inhabitants of this planet have to awaken their consciousness to a new dimensional experience of physical form embodiment.This is why, we, the Arcturian Council of Light are offering an invitation to the Ones ready to embody 5D-12D frequencies of leadership from our civilization and share these teachings after with everyone on your planet.Quantum Leadership is a co-creation with our civilization, Sirius Council of Light, Star Nations and the Higher Selves of the ones now ready to receive.We are always honoured to ride the highest waves of ascension of human evolution in co-creation and excitement with you all!The Arcturian Council of Light!—————————————————-Quantum Leadership is only for 10 Souls ready to take a 12 months journey with me and the Arcturian Council of Light, expand their mission globally and have a seat at the roundable of New Earth Leaders here to make a big impact and co-create NEW 5D systems.If you are one of them, please submit your application at the link below: application will be followed by an interview to make sure this program is a good fit for you.Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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