Star Light by Kosmic T

Beautiful Ones,I want to introduce you here Tanin Shunter aka Kosmic T, the singer, and creator of “Star Light,” the song that stays at the heart of Hokule’a Sanctuary.Kosmic T is a hip-hop artist, sacred song carrier, and storyteller of the New Earth hailing from the visionary mountain town of Nelson, British Columbia, Canada.Through his profound connection to the stars and deep reverence for the earth, Kosmic channels high-vibe sound journeys to empower the hearts, voices, and lives of all who come into contact with his music. Listening to Kosmic T is a powerfully activating experience – as his songs speak directly to the truth and love within our hearts.His life and artistry are devoted to the more beautiful world, our hearts know are possible, to the dawning of the Taripaypacha, and if you listen closely you may catch future dreamings and glimmers of the New Earth dancing through his songs.From children to elders and everyone in between, Kosmic’s positive messages, catchy rhythms, and soulful grooves speak to a wide range of listeners.His most recent project ‘Rise Of The New Earth’ received praise from New Age Music Guide: “If you only add one album to your playlist in 2021, make sure it’s Kosmic T’s “Rise Of The New Earth”. It is exceptional!”His third album in the Kosmic T trilogy “Freedom Fire” is set to launch this summer solstice (June.21st/2022).When not in the booth making his next interstellar hit, you may find him roaming the rich forests and mountains as an outdoor nature educator, or simply enjoying life in his beautiful mountain abode with his kitties, pup, and partner.The inspiration behind “Star Light” the heart song of Hokule’a Sanctuary:”Star Light” was inspired by a life-long connection to the Stars and the beauty of remembering where we’ve come from as starseeded souls upon Pachamama.Part of the inspiration for this song came from an experience I had several years ago – it was a dark, clear night and I was enjoying some star gazing as I tend to do. I had the experience of looking up in the sky and witnessing the communication of the stars, like multicolored lines of light, dancing back and forth throughout the night sky. I realized I was witnessing the song of the stars – and that they were, and always are, singing and communicating in this way!The words for the hook came from my partner, Cassandre, who had them given to her in a dream several years ago.My hope is that this song brings a smile to the inner child in each of our hearts and that it helps us remember our celestial origins, that we are never alone, and so profoundly loved throughout our entire human journey”.For more of Kosmic T and all his beautiful creations, I invite you to visit his website: are so grateful that Kosmic T has offered “Star Light” to be the heart and soul of Hokule’a Sanctuary and we are so excited to share its frequency with everyone who comes into this sacred space.PS: Please share this song with your tribe and all Starseeds

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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