Temple Of Light

Evolving Consciousness Program is a 7D sacred geometry frequency that has 4 pillars of light, 3 bridges, and 12 gates of ascension activating the one that is embodying this technology to become a Temple of Light for humanity.During the course of 9 months, we are activating this technology within, preparing your consciousness to hold 5D ascension tools, codexes, and technologies that will activate hundreds and thousands of people in their awakening.You are becoming the Temple of Light, magnetizing towards you the ones ready to awaken or accelerate their ascension and the codes will be transferred from your energetic field by only being in your presence.As a 5D Visionary, you are not only holding New Earth timelines but actively participating in the human race’s evolution of consciousness at a multidimensional level.If you are READY to activate yourSelf and all layers, levels, and dimensions of your being we are inviting you to:Evolving Consciousness- A Journey for 5D VisionariesAn advanced ascension container where you are receiving:????Quantum Healing and Deprogramming of the 3D templates and activating the 4D/5D templates within all layers of your being (physical, mental, emotional, electro-magnetic, and light bodies).????Activating your Multidimensionality and remembrance of your soul memory, calling back aspects of your Soul from eons of lifetime and incarnations into your body temple.????Activating your channeling abilities to connect to your Higher Self, Soul, and Star families and re-establish your galactic connections.????Activating your 4D/5D abilities to access the Quantum Field and learn how to navigate grids of existence beyond your immediate reality.????Learning how to co-create with the laws of the Universe and become deliberate in your actions, creations, and manifestations.????Receiving advanced 7D technology and Quantum tools that will reprogram your DNA, subconscious mind, and all layers and dimensions of your being to better navigate your reality.????Downloading your own unique toolkit that will help you always access higher timelines of your Soul journey with clarity, direction, and focus.And so much more…If you want to learn more, I would like to gift you a 3-hour coded channeling transmission called ” 5D Soul Mission and Abundance Activation” as the pre-work for Evolving Consciousness program, as for you to understand the frequency of this container.To watch it, here’s the link to the transmission:https://info465a91.clickfunnels.com/5d-soul-mission-replaya48zswzs

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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