The energetics of giving & receiving

If you feel you need to sacrifice or compromise yourself to be on service and feel you are giving a lot of value but you are not receiving the money you deserve, this post is for you.Firstly, your Divine Service is UNIQUE to this world.Many are making the common mistake to compare their services, content and pricing with others ending up creating a brand that is faded, invisible and not noticeable because is blending perfectly in.If you are in Divine Service to this world, stand out, be bold, disrupt and share your uniqueness, in its raw, unrefined, imperfect and beautiful way.Secondly: Listen. Before you take any action, ALIGN to your SOUL MISSION.The ones that fail, are the ones that are always taking actions, have big budgets for marketing, hiring teams before expanding and in 6 months are off the market.If you are in Divine Service, you are here to serve humanity until the end of your life. This is a lifetime commitment not a short term business with a lifetime spam of 2-3 years here to make you rich.The Third point is tided up to the second.The ones that are struggling to be paid for their programs, are the ones that are looking to make money fast by aligning to a lower frequency reality.Your Divine Mission is a 5D Quantum Experience so it operates outside the 3D value system of power, money, fame, status.Once your ego that wants to underprice or overprice is dissolved you will align your consciousness to the consciousness of your mission and start a 5D co-creation.If you are here to make an impact but you reached a multiple 5 figures or 6 figures, threshold and you can’t breakthrough.If you are desiring to shift from 3D business mindset into 5D mind & heart coherence.If you are here for the long haul of evolution, transformation and embodimentI invite you to:Wealth Consciousness- A New Earth Mastermind for 5D Entrepreneurs.This 9 month journey will have you:Uncover and dismantle the subconscious beliefs and limitations that are keeping your business stuck in its current frequency reality and block it from evolving into its highest expression of giving and receiving.Quantum Deprogram of the deeper layers of your subconscious and re-writing a new abundance and wealth consciousness codex at cellular and DNA level.Activate and access the Multidimensionality of your Divine Soul Mission so you can learn how to design and architect your transformational products, programs, and services in the Quantum Field.Develop and expand your ability and capacity for receiving, holding, and embodying 5D Business Templates and 7D Technologies.Activate the multidimensionality of your Divine service and integration of your business into your ever-expanding 5D Mission Grid.Activate, integrate, and expand on the 5D Business Foundations and Quantum Systems.Integrate into your business and mission a 5D Business Model that is adaptable to all changes and not affected by 3D economical and financial conditions.Receive multidimensional Business Strategies for 5D growth, scaling, and impact.Access a wide variety of 5D technologies, tools, and systems that will allow your business and brand to serve a variety of clients of the highest caliber for you and your soul mission.Receive New Earth Business Activations and access more expansive realms of 5D Money, Abundance, and Wealth Consciousness.And so much more…If this is in resonance with you, please submit your application at the link below or in linktree bio: Blessings,Livia Devi 

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