The Last Call

Today is the last day you can apply for Evolving Consciousness Program, an advanced evolutionary container for the missioned souls here to activate & embody their Divine Soul Mission and build a foundation for an abundant & sovereign 5D business.

This is the last time, I am running this program and one of the last few opportunities to work with me and The Arcturian Council of Light, directly.

I would like to show my gratitude to the Souls that enrolled on this powerful journey of ascension and evolution in 2021 and 2022 and changed their lifes completely, while having access to very advanced 7D technologies.

The Ones that chose to journey with me & the Council in this last round, experienced massive shifts from the very first month of the program.

As we are stepping into the 2nd month of a deep transformational 9 month journey, we are inviting in the Souls that are magnetically pulled towards this program and ready for a massive quantum experience.

Submit your application and schedule your interview at the link below:

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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