Livia Devi presents

Lesson 11:

Quantum Light Technology

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Video Length: 27:49

Grids, Templates and Systems


 In this video, you will learn what are the grids, templates, and systems from a multidimensional perspective.

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Video Length: 18:00

Portals, Stargates & Gateways


Continue your journey through Gaia interdimensional portals of light by understanding the quantum consciousness technology.

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Video Length: 26:06

DNA Quantum Activation


This powerful 12/24 sequence DNA Activation by the Arcturian Council of Light and Sirius Council of Light synchronizes your body to the body of Gaia.

Written Guidance:

Integration & Embodiment



Go outside and step barefoot on the ground and invite Gaia and the 5D grids to connect to you through the sole of your feet.



Listen to the Activation at least 3 times and give yourself 7 days of integration.



Write down into your notebook the changes you are experiencing in your inner and outer worlds.

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