Livia Devi presents

Lesson 5:

4th Dimensional Bridge and Multidimensionality

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Video Length: 11:19

Stages of Transition in the Ascension Process


In this video you will learn what the stages of ascension, evolution, expansion are and what the transformation an awakened soul is going to take from the 3D to 5D.

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Video Length: 20:03

What is the 4th Dimensional Bridge?


In this video you will learn about the 4th Dimension of consciousness and the 4D bridge and how to connect to it to manifest a life of magical abundance.

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Video Length: 13:27

Heart Consciousness in the 4D Transmission and Activation


In this video Livia Devi and 7D Arcturian Council of Light are placing you in a 7D technology connecting your Heart Consciousness, your Pineal Gland and your Third Eye through the Rainbow bridge, connecting you to Source/StarGrid of the 4D.

Written Guidance:

Integration & Embodiment



Listen to the transmissions at least 3 times.



Activate daily your Column of Ascension.



Grounding by walking barefoot in nature at least 15 minutes per day.

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