Every year on October 17th, Arcturus aligns with the Sun and opens a Stargate to Earth where we can use the Arc to transcend the limitations of physical reality.The Arc to Arcturus is an intedimensional space in between 6D-7D where Souls from different galaxies and constellations transition into higher realms of existence, elevating their Soul existence to the next level.There are 88 known constellations in our sky, and only one of them begins with the letter B. It’s Bootes, the Herdsman one of the most ancient of our constellations.Arcturus wisdom and knowledge had been celebrated since Mesopotamia and during thousands of years of human evolution eurasians, sami, ainu, basque, germanic, slavs, celtic, dacians thracians, getians and other tribes of the Earth were noted to celebrate symbolistics and totems of this Star.This year in 2022, I was guided by the Arcturian Council of Light to anchor the hightened frequencies from Arcturus Stargate on dacian/ thracians land on one of the most powerful vortexes and sacred sites in Europe old since the 1st century BC.The light I will anchor here will travel through the mountains on the Alpine- Carpathians- Pannonian tectonic plate restoring the earth grids, elevating its light quantient and beaming light on Ukraine land and the collective of Souls that left physical reality( with other words, I anchor a huge Column of Light will help these Souls reach the Arc to Arcturus and receive the highest purification and blessings in the next step of their non- physical journey).While my little mission in Europe, will restore this continent earth & water grids, thousands of other Arcturian Souls will be guided to sit in ceremony and prayer and hold the multidimensional grids of Earth as the incoming energy through the Gateway is powerful than ever been before.The more contrast the human collective consciounsness is creating and living on Earth the counterbalancing energies flowing through the Stargate are even higher.No matter of your Star Origin, the collective consciousness of this planet will go through a massive quantum shift and here is how to navigate the upcoming energies and prepare for it: The preparation starts with this Full Moon in Aries by letting go of everything doesn’t serve you anymore. Be courageous and let go of people, places, situations that are not cleary anchored into your next timeline. Even if you desire some specific people to continue being part of your journey, always remember you can’t make anyone evolve faster then they are able too.
Become intentional in your thoughts & actions and connect daily with your Heart Consciousness. Listen deeply to your inner guidance & intuition and take aligned and inspired actions only. In this portal energies we are guided to take a step back of the hassle of the outside world and becoming the observant of it all.
Connect to the Earth and the mineral & plant & animal kigdoms and listen to the heartbeat of Gaia. If you are not spending a couple of hours per day in nature barefoot and purely immerse in it with no thoughts, now is the time to incorporate this in your daily practice.
Moongaze & Stargaze and the Orange Bright Star from Bootes constellation, is transmitting light codes in the night time and is beaming light into your night. Also pay attention to the messages in your dreams or any contact you will experience from Emissaries from other civilizations especially Arcturus.
Sungaze for at least 3 days prior to Oct 17th as the frequencies are sent through the Stargate of our Sun. Make every day of your life a prayer & ritual, live it as a ceremony in humbleness and divine unconditional love towards youself and this extra- ordinary miracle & magic of Source energy called Life.
Activate daily your Column of Ascension and enter the portal with a pure heart & clear mind. Here is the link to the Column of Ascension free meditationhttps://liviadevi.com/free-resources/
If you feel called to join a community of Starseeds completely guided by the Arcturian Council of Light for the next steps in your evolutionary Soul journey, join us in Source Seed at the link below:https://liviadevi.com/source-seed/Wishing you All an amazing week and please share this post with every awakened being that wants to consciously co-create with the energies of Arcturus Gateway!
Many Blessings,
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