Choose To Be A Quantum Leader

When you are choosing to step into your leadership role, you are merging with future now realities, matching the frequency of your Future Self.Your Future Self is an expression of the life experiences yet to come for this present version of you, that reached a higher level of embodiment, whole (holy)-ness, knowledge, and understanding of who you are.When you align at the quantum level with your future self, you start downloading in your mind-body-complex: data, knowledge, wisdom accessing higher aspects of your consciousness.Then you take the journey, from the vantage point of your Future Self, creating realities from the now-future not from the now-present.If you want to learn more, about how to navigate the quantum field and become a deliberate co-creator of your realities accessing higher timelines of freedom, abundance, impact, coding your business & service to 5D and beyond.If you are ready to receive advanced quantum tools and technologies, to embody 5D-12D consciousness and create with your Multidimensional Self, an accelerated journey of ascension, evolution, and expansion.If you are ready to expand your divine soul missions globally and meet other Quantum Leaders making a high impact on this planet, leading New Earth projects, and anchoring higher frequencies on all dimensions of existence.If you are here to take the next step in your evolutionary process and embody advanced leadership codexes of light, learning from other civilizations, Councils of Light from 7D-12D, Galactic Federation, Star Nations, and Ambassadors of Light here to fully support your embodiment as a New Earth Leader.If you are here to create New Earth systems for humanity: financial, economical, social, educational, health & wellbeing, sustainable and organic scientific and technological development, and learning a new way of governance and leadership…I invite you to read further…I was guided by the Arcturian Council of Light to create an advanced premium semi-private container for conscious entrepreneurs, thought leaders, conscious creators, and impact mission-driven souls ready to step into their 5D Divine Soul Mission.For the ones ready to be part of a Council of Leaders highly devoted to their missions, assignments here to lead projects all around the world and anchoring a new paradigm of living, relating, and being.If you want to learn more, you can find more information at the link below: New Earth Council is calling in a couple of more leaders in this very special 12 months Quantum Leadership Mastermind.

Many Blessings,

Livia Devi

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