Descend in the body

This is Los Angeles from above.The grid is so dense that you feel it in your bones from 10,000 feet.Two years ago I was not able to reach any major city because my energetic field became wobbly and completely destabilized.Now, fully embodied I am able to navigate densities with mastery, precision, neutralizing the 3D grids.Now, I am able to serve at Multidimensional Level in Physical Body and connect with leaders at all levels of consciousness helping them bridge towards the 5D New Earth.Descendance is an important stage in the process of ascension, many don’t understand.The awakened enthusiasts once they start ascending and accessing higher realms of existence refuse to come back in the body, afraid their realms will be destabilized by contrast and duality.Caught up in tales with dragons, ascended masters, starseed & galactic identities many lightworkers are not able to embody their higher consciousness because they believe their work is in 5D only.Dear Light Seed,If you are in physical body right now and here to co-create a New Earth, actively stabilizing the 4D bridge and architect a new 5D infrastructure, I am sorry to wake you up from your fairy tale dream but you are here to DESCEND.You are HERE to bring all your gifts, talents, abilities and share it with all Earth & New Earth worlds throughout all timelines and dimensions.You are HERE to make the subconscious- conscious and merge all levels, layers and dimensions of Self to embody your Leadership.You are HERE to let go of Disney stories and merge your Divine Child, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine into the Trinity of your Higher Heart.You are HERE to Pioneer timelines for humanity with Maturity, Wisdom, Commitment, Devotion and Determination.You are HERE to be the REAL, AUTHENTIC YOU, beyond the stories you are fabricating for yourself, or told by society and cultures.If this resonates, and you are READY for the NEXT LEVEL of IMPACT, ABUNDANCE, SOUL MISSION and EMBODIMENT I invite you to:A 9 Month New Earth Mastermind, Wealth Consciousness.Wealth Consciousness is a New Earth Mastermind designed to connect Multidimensional Visionaries and Entrepreneurs with their higher consciousness, business, mission, impact, and wealth blueprint.It is a 5D business program for the awakened spiritual entrepreneur who is activated in their soul mission and has embodied their soul purpose to be of Divine service to the New Earth and all its inhabitantsIt is for the devoted, committed, determined, conscious, and courageous beings that have already started their entrepreneurial journey and are ready for the next level of embodiment and limitless co-creation with the New Earth frequencies.For the ones that have been through the pains, trials, and tribulations of their healing journey. And who have now gracefully embodied wisdom, maturity, and a surrendered understanding that a shift towards a higher consciousness implies a dissolution of old identities, subconscious programming, and limiting beliefs.It is for the ones ready to expand within and without, fully merge their divinity with service, and anchor in the New Earth through their business empires of light for humanity.If this is FOR YOU, submit your application and book a call at the link below and in bio: Blessings,Livia Devi 

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